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Lacrimosa by Christine Fonseca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
“LACRIMOSA reaches out, grabs readers by the heart, and takes them on an emotional journey from the first page to the last. The last novel you’ll need to read to understand true sacrifice.” ~Elana Johnson, Author of POSSESSION
It’s been three thousand years since the fall of Azzaziel and the rebirth of evil; three thousand years since the Sentinal Order, an elite group of warrior angels, returned to Celestium. Their job—rid Earth of the dark creatures, the UnHoly. And with luck, end Azza’s rule.
As if casting out demons isn’t hard enough, five-hundred-year-old Nesy has to masquerade as a teenage girl to do it. Nesy is the best of the Sentinals. She never makes mistakes, never hesitates, never gets emotionally involved. Until she meets Aydan.
He is evil incarnate; a fallen angel that feeds off the souls of others. Everything Nesy is supposed to hate. But she can’t, because he’s also the love of her former life as a human girl—a life that ended too soon, tying her to emotions she was never supposed to feel.
Now Nesy must choose between doing her duty—damning Aydan to the fiery depths of hell—or saving him, and condemning herself. And her choice may cost her, and Celestium, far more than anyone realizes.
How much will she sacrifice for love?

This needs to be awesome because;

1. Lacrimosa by Mozart is one of my favourite songs.

2. Lacrymosa by Evanescence is one of my other favourite songs.

3. Lacrimosa by Kalafina is another of my favourite song.

Not related to the book you say? Well, I'd read a book for strangest reasons because I'm weird like that.

Full review

Actual rating 4.5 stars

It was indeed awesome. I thought I had enough of angel books but this one truly changed my mind.

First, I had to take back my words by saying, Christine Fonseca's writing matches Maggie Stiefvater's but in a completely different way. Hence, I was wrong when I said in my Dies Irae review that Maggie Stiefvater's writing is better suited for stories like this.  Heheh.

What prevented me from giving this book a full five star? I felt like I couldn't grown attached to any of the characters. I did feel their pains and torments but I don't know, somehow it felt like everything was overly dramatic but I guess, that's just the way this story was supposed to be written.

Pick this one up if;

1. You do like larger than life love stories and tragic Shakespeare's plays such as Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth.

2. You think you would feel comfortable talking with Master Yoda because the prose goes like this;
Visions of my lips on Nesy turning her blood to poison
-I won't allow thiis
Intimate embraces that turn her body into flames
-I'll never hurt you
The sound of her screams as I end her life
-I'll protect you. Somehow

3. You don't mind the abuse of Tab key. The author seems to love paragraphing.

4. You can tolerate a bit of insta love (just in the flashbacks)
"My name is Elle." Our gaze meets and I'm locked in sacred moment, just the two of us. Her eyes search mine and I wonder if she knows what I am. But it isn't my wings or my glowing skin she seems to see. It's my soul-the part of me I show no one.
  In that second I know...
    I will never forget her.

Other than that, I think everybody should give this a try and probably enjoy it.

View all my reviews


this is really good
Pls follow me at iqbal462.blogspot.com

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